Medication Adherence

Personalized Solutions Focused on Improving Clinical, Quality and Financial Results

Medication Adherence Management
Medication Adherence

Poor medication adherence costs the healthcare industry up to $290 billion a year.1 In fact, studies show that as much as 50% of medications are not taken as prescribed and up to 30% are never filled.2, 3 

Reasons for medication nonadherence vary from person to person. An effective intervention program requires a deep understanding of an individual’s unique needs, challenges and preferences. Health Dialog’s Medication Adherence solutions were developed utilizing 20+ years of population health management experience. 

Adherence Intervention Management (AIM) for Medicare Plans

The Medication Adherence and Statin Use in Persons with Diabetes (SUPD) measures now comprise 15% of the total Stars Score for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) rating program. Health Dialog’s AIM solution targets at-risk members with diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol, helping them improve health outcomes, while improving Stars Scores for Medicare plan sponsors.

Medication Adherence Management for Pharmaceutical Companies

Health Dialog partners with pharmaceutical companies to design live telephonic coaching programs that focus on individuals who fill their prescriptions at Rite Aid locations nationwide, improving their medication adherence and overall health, while increasing loyalty to your medication.

Both medication adherence solution components include:

  • Powerful machine learning analytics, using our Pathways Engine, to identify and prioritize individuals who are likely to be nonadherent to drug therapy guidelines 
  • Prediction of receptivity to engagement and preferences associated with outreach campaigns
  • Personalized telephone engagement focused on resolving medication adherence issues and helping individuals overcome barriers to adherence
  • Continuous evaluation and monitoring of medication adherence and long-term clinical outcomes
  • Evidence-based clinical content that educates individuals on the value and benefits of medication adherence and coach-provided resource utilization support
  • Comprehensive program outcomes reporting

Health Dialog’s medication adherence services are delivered by a team of experienced healthcare professionals known as Care Navigators that include nurses, pharmacists, and certified pharmacy technicians who provide personalized outreach to help identified individuals overcome their unique barriers to adherence. 

Our Care Navigators engage the individual to determine their particular adherence barriers and establish a care plan that helps overcome these barriers, closing knowledge gaps, transferring medication management skills, and leveraging a variety of resources, such as cost-saving programs and community services, to encourage ongoing medication-taking behavior. 

1. New England Healthcare Institute (2009). Thinking Outside the Pillbox: A System-Wide Approach to Improving Patient Medication Adherence for Chronic Disease. NEHI Research Brief.

2. Brown, M.T., Bussell, J.K. (2011). Medication Adherence: WHO Cares? Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

3. Viswanathan, M, et al (2012). Interventions to Improve Adherence to Self-administered Medications for Chronic Diseases in the United States. Annals of Internal Medicine. December 4, 2012.